Sunday, May 29, 2005

^Let G0d leAd Da WaY fr!enDz^ back to sum up this monthz bl0g,though only few yach..hehehehe...hmm..May..fullZ 0f swayz,h0lidaYz,strez,crazineyz,'s fulls of feel!ngz inv0lved in every events,situati0nz and somet!mez th0se th!ngs tat involve heaRtz reallY difficuLt to beaR,av0id and so frAg!le,l0ve somet!mez a c0mpl!cateD expreszion&makes anyth!ng seemz brighTz,HappY,SaD,enj0yiNg,excit!ng but thE unexpecTed thiNgz c0uld make coz of l0ve like suffEr!ngz,SacRific!ng,fruztrat!ng,many hard feel!ngz do happenz.bUt tat makEs ur L!fe more c0lourful and chaLlengez do make urself strongERz,test u on how to tackle it and widen ur social life when u really need ur Frenz as ur closeZt pe0ple to rely on while u r far fr0m ur famz...friEnds do mean a lotz in every momentz in our lives & with0ut fr!ends what would liFe be whenever u want to share ur sadness,difficulties,worries,dillemmaz,etc.they are to whom you will enjoy ur hapPinezz,crazineszz,exciteMentz,espec!ally whEn u haVe crush and u Need ur frenz to back u up and supp0rt u.... some of my frenz,its the hardest month,many problemz happened in her l!fe and she's to dec!de on 2 important things in her life...whether to care on her former someone special who's now no longer hers,but now in trouble while she's now has to concentrate more on her coming final examz...or dun involve at all and try to forget him by finding a better partner to be her next someone spec1aLz...the other friend of m!ne is very h0mes!ck and continuously getting unwell here,and in the end she's now back to Ind0 to refresh her mind a bit before doing her examz but suddenly decided not go!ng to continue again here coz not really like the living style here...and leave her study just like strong my sis,dec!de wisely what's bezt for u,get well soon,eat more..or i can share some of my weights for u then,me too heavy already..hahahaha....=P

n0w at the other end of the worlD there,my FrienD is also feelz tiRed over his CompliCated lIfe,with many th!ngz happEnz in hiz life,many rules to 0bey,demanDz tat he has to fulF1ll in hiS pers0nal life and friendz whom he thinks not really c0ncern about h! Dear friend,dun alwiz thiNk tat other Pe0ple will be at ur Side whenever u neEd thEm,but try to be there whenever they neEd them and do the bez u can...C!a y0!!!!!i'll try to be there whenever u Need me okie??(^0^)

AAAArrrrGRRRGGGGGGHhhhHHh.....FiNal ExamZ com!ng very S0on!!!!!in 2 weekz time....must start rev!zing n0w,stuDy sl0wly and prepare well-mind and heart to it...get g0od gradez!!!!!tHen welcum my loveLy homE!!!!!mizz ya lotz & lotz...have fun with long H0liDayz!!!h0RE~!!!!!hehehehhee,can't wait for the exciting momenTz to cum!but as pepatah indonesia states tat - berakit2 ke hulu,berenang2 ketepian..bersakit2(bersusah2 aja lah yach) dahulu,bersenang2 kemudian.hehehe...

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