Tuesday, November 30, 2004

1st_enTrEe Y0 (^0^)

H! everyb0dy!!s0 gLad tat f!n'lly g0tta Own bLoG...Yy!ipPieee....
actUally dun really Eager t0 make 1,but becoz I WannA g!ve c0mment on Other's bL0g tat has !nf0 on Wang Lee H0m!!!(my L0vely !d0LL),so i create one...h0pefully it's g0nna be Gud 1 and n!ce one....:)
T0daY me wenT ouT w!th My PareNtz to 0rcHard...sh0ppin',had meaLz....
hmm..s0 many tOur!sts walking around the rOad,esp. IndoZz...feeL l!ke i sh0pped at oWn pLace..hahaha...bUt the UnFavOurabLe th!ng tat i have rIte N0w !zz...my wHoLe BodY is dAmn !tchYYyY!!!!!caN't Stand !t...keep ScratCh!n' and Scratchin' l!ke mOnkeYz..
dUn WanNa dr!nk toO MucH AlcOhoL anymOre!!!!EnougH iz EnoUgH!!!daMn SuffeRinGz!!
Ok...f0r thOse who FeEl L!ke wanNa g!ve ComMent...my hOnoUr...hOpefUlLy Gudz onE
& FuNny is alSo acCeptabLe (^0*)
P!z Y0 & CheErz

Monday, November 29, 2004